There are a number of ways to reduce static from electronics without using static guard. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Use a humidifier: Dry air can cause static buildup, so increasing the humidity in the room can help reduce static. A humidifier can add moisture to the air and reduce static buildup on electronic devices.
  2. Use dryer sheets: Rubbing a dryer sheet over electronic devices can help reduce static buildup. This is because dryer sheets contain fabric softeners that can neutralize static charges.
  3. Ground yourself: Before handling electronic devices, touch a grounded metal surface to discharge any static buildup on your body. This can help reduce the risk of transferring static charges to the electronic device.
  4. Use a spray bottle: Spraying a fine mist of water over electronic devices can help reduce static buildup. The water droplets can help neutralize static charges and reduce the risk of damage to the device.
  5. Avoid synthetic fabrics: Synthetic fabrics can generate static charges, so wearing natural fibers such as cotton or wool can help reduce static buildup on your body.
  6. Keep devices clean: Dirt and dust can attract and hold static charges, so keeping electronic devices clean can help reduce static buildup. Use a microfiber cloth or a special electronic device cleaning cloth to wipe down the surface of the device.
  7. Use anti-static foam: Anti-static foam can be used to protect electronic devices from static buildup. It is designed to absorb and dissipate static charges, reducing the risk of damage to the device.

While these methods may not be as effective as using static guard, they can help reduce static buildup and protect your electronic devices from damage.

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